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Detail zboží

310450 - ČSN EN 9300-100 - Letectví a kosmonautika - LOTAR - Dlouhodobá archivace a vyhledávání v digitální technické dokumentaci produktu 3D, CAD a PDM dat - Část 100: Společné pojmy pro dlouhodobou archivaci a vyhledávání údajů systému CAD 3D

Název : 310450 - ČSN EN 9300-100 - Letectví a kosmonautika - LOTAR - Dlouhodobá archivace a vyhledávání v digitální technické dokumentaci produktu 3D, CAD a PDM dat - Část 100: Společné pojmy pro dlouhodobou archivaci a vyhledávání údajů systému CAD 3D
Označení normy : ČSN EN 9300-100
Katalogové číslo : 505932
Třídící znak : 310450
Účinnost : 2019-02-01
Věstník : 2019.01
Strany : 64
Převzata :vyhlášením ve Věstníku - v angličtině
Cena :564.00 Kč (DPH= 0%), s DPH= 564.00 Kč

"ČSN EN 9300-100

This European Standard defines common fundamental concepts for Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of CAD mechanical information for elementary parts and assemblies. It details the "fundamentals and concepts" of EN 9300-003 in the specific context of Long Term Archiving of CAD mechanical models.

CAD mechanical information is divided into assembly structure and geometrical information, both including explicit and implicit geometrical representation, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing with Form Features.

The EN 9300-1XX family is organized as a sequence of parts, each building on the previous in a consistent way, each adding a level of complexity in the CAD data model. This includes the detailing of relationships between the essential information for the different types of CAD information covered by the EN 9300-1XX family.

As technology matures additional parts will be released in order to support new requirements within the aerospace community.

The present part describes:
- the fundamentals and concepts for Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of CAD 3D mechanical information;
- the document structure of the EN 9300-1XX family, and the links between all these parts;
- the qualification methods for long term preservation of archived CAD mechanical information; more specially, principles for the CAD validation properties and for verification of the quality of the CAD archived file;
- specifications for the preservation planning of archived CAD information;
- specific functions for administration and monitoring of CAD archived mechanical models;
- the definition of Archive Information Packages for CAD data.

The following are out of scope for this part:
- Long Term Archiving of CAD 2D drawings;
- other CAD business disciplines, such as piping, tubing, electrical harnesses, composite, sheet metal design, kinematics.

This version does not include:
- fundamental and concepts for parts EN 9300-120 version 2, EN 9300-125, 1 EN 9300-130."


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