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Detail zboží

730116 - ČSN EN ISO 22014 - Knihovní předměty pro architekturu, stavební obory, výstavbu a užívání staveb

Název : 730116 - ČSN EN ISO 22014 - Knihovní předměty pro architekturu, stavební obory, výstavbu a užívání staveb
Označení normy : ČSN EN ISO 22014
Katalogové číslo : 520062
Třídící znak : 730116
Účinnost : 2025-01-01
Věstník : 2024.12
Strany : 52
Převzata :vyhlášením ve Věstníku - v angličtině
Cena :541.00 Kč (DPH= 0%), s DPH= 541.00 Kč

"ČSN EN ISO 22014

This document specifies requirements for defining structure and content for library objects to support project inception, brief, design, tendering, construction, operations, use and demolition, supporting the development of information throughout the process, in connection with building information modelling (BIM) and the organization of the objects into libraries.
This document does the following: - Establishes requirements for defining template objects, generic objects and product objects in data-driven library and design processes. - Establishes requirements for graphical symbols and other graphic conventions for use on drawings for the built environment, giving principles and definitions for the symbolic and simplified visual presentation of objects. It also describes a rationale of symbolism which establishes rules for the design of graphical symbols and other graphic conventions and gives recommendations for the application of those rules and the ways in which symbolism should be used. - Defines the purposes of characterizing the shape and measurement of library objects. - Defines the purposes of specifying and assessing properties for library objects. It defines the information appropriate for specific uses, including specification of the desired outcome (typically by designers and engineers) and the selection of identified products (typically by contractors and subcontractors). It also gives recommendations for the application of assemblies in integrated BIM working. - Refers to the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema as a common object model.
This document is applicable to all professionals and service providers who produce and use library objects with generic and product-specific information. This group includes, but is not limited to, product manufacturers and suppliers, library authors, designers and engineers, contractors, owners, maintainers and commissioners."


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