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078535 - ČSN EN ISO 22435 - Lahve na plyny - Ventily lahví se zabudovanými redukčními ventily - Požadavky a zkoušení typu

Název : 078535 - ČSN EN ISO 22435 - Lahve na plyny - Ventily lahví se zabudovanými redukčními ventily - Požadavky a zkoušení typu
Označení normy : ČSN EN ISO 22435
Katalogové číslo : 519598
Třídící znak : 078535
Účinnost : 2024-10-01
Věstník : 2024.09
Strany : 44
Převzata :vyhlášením ve Věstníku - v angličtině
Cena :438.00 Kč (DPH= 0%), s DPH= 438.00 Kč

"ČSN EN ISO 22435

This document specifies design, type test methods, marking and instruction requirements for cylinder valves with integrated pressure regulators (VIPRs) intended to be fitted to gas cylinders, pressure drums or tubes or used as a main valve for bundles of cylinders that convey compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases.

These are requirements for VIPRs that are in addition to those given in the relevant closure standard, for example, in ISO 10297 for cylinder valves, in ISO 17871 for quick-release cylinder valves, in ISO 17879 for self-closing cylinder valves or in ISO 23826 for ball valves. For ISO 17871, these requirements are only applicable to quick-release cylinder valves types B, C, D and E.
NOTE 1 - If the pressure regulating system of a VIPR is acting as the primary valve operating mechanism, it is covered by the relevant closure standard, e.g. ISO 10297, ISO 17871, ISO 17879 and ISO 23826. This also includes designs where closure of the primary valve operating mechanism of a VIPR is obtained by closing the seat of the pressure regulating system.
NOTE 2 - If the primary valve operating mechanism of a VIPR is located at the low-pressure side of the pressure regulating system, it is covered by the relevant closure standard, e.g. ISO 10297, ISO 17871, ISO 17879 and ISO 23826.
NOTE 3 - The term "pressure receptacle" is used within this document to cover instances where no differentiation is necessary between gas cylinders, bundles of cylinders, pressure drums and tubes.

This document does not apply to VIPRs for
a) medical applications (see ISO 10524-3);
b) liquefied petroleum gas (LPG);
c) cryogenic applications.
NOTE 4 - Additional requirements for a VIPR with a residual pressure device (RPD) are specified in ISO 15996.
NOTE 5 - Additional requirements for pressure relief valves can exist in international/regional regulations/ standards."


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