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Detail zboží

018237 - ČSN P CEN/TS 16614-6 - Veřejná doprava osob - Síť a časový rozvrh (NeTEx) - Část 6: Evropský profil informací o přístupnosti cestujících

Název : 018237 - ČSN P CEN/TS 16614-6 - Veřejná doprava osob - Síť a časový rozvrh (NeTEx) - Část 6: Evropský profil informací o přístupnosti cestujících
Označení normy : ČSN P CEN/TS 16614-6
Katalogové číslo : 519861
Třídící znak : 018237
Účinnost : 2024-10-01
Věstník : 2024.09
Strany : 212
Převzata :vyhlášením ve Věstníku - v angličtině
Cena :1 191.00 Kč (DPH= 0%), s DPH= 1 191.00 Kč

"ČSN P CEN/TS 16614-6

This document is a profile of the CEN/TS 16614 series. It focuses on information relevant to feed the necessary accessibility passenger information services and excludes operational and fares information. It is based directly on EPIP (CEN/TS 16614-4).
This European Passenger Information Accessibility Profile (EPIAP) for NeTEx is for exchanging passenger information; it describes how to extend EPIP (the European Passenger Information Profile) with additional information (including a minimal set) to feed the necessary accessibility passenger information services in a European wide and multimodal context. EPIAP especially formulates a mandatory minimal implementation that needs to be filled in by everybody to deliver the necessary information for an assessment of the accessibility of site(s), vehicles and on vehicle-site interaction for impaired persons. The minimal level allows an assessment and contains the information to produce PRM TSI if necessary. It will also cover what the current legislation usually warrants. It then describes how additional information must be provided if an organisation decides to provide it (e.g. the information of the full DELFI+ standard in Germany).
EPIP does not reflect part 5 (New Modes) yet. However, EPIAP takes it into account. EPIP will have to be adapted accordingly.
For EPIAP to be of use, the EC needs to declare the minimal level of EPIAP as mandatory."


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