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Detail zboží

874019 - ČSN ETSI EN 319 532-4 V1.3.1 - Elektronické podpisy a infrastruktury (ESI) - Služby doporučené elektronické pošty (REM) - Část 4: Profily interoperability

Název : 874019 - ČSN ETSI EN 319 532-4 V1.3.1 - Elektronické podpisy a infrastruktury (ESI) - Služby doporučené elektronické pošty (REM) - Část 4: Profily interoperability
Označení normy : ČSN ETSI EN 319 532-4 V1.3.1
Katalogové číslo : 519030
Třídící znak : 874019
Účinnost : 2024-07-01
Věstník : 2024.06
Strany : 104
Převzata :vyhlášením ve Věstníku - v angličtině
Cena :701.00 Kč (DPH= 0%), s DPH= 701.00 Kč

"ČSN ETSI EN 319 532-4 V1.3.1

The present document specifies the interoperability profiles of the Registered Electronic Mail (REM) messages according to the formats defined in ETSI EN 319 532-3 [6] and the concepts and semantics defined in ETSI EN 319 532 1 [4] and ETSI EN 319 532-2 [5]. It deals with issues relating to authentication, authenticity and integrity of the information, with the purpose to address the achievement of interoperability across REM service providers, implemented according to the aforementioned specifications.

The present document covers all the options to profile REM services for both styles of operation: S&N and S&F.

More specifically, the present document:
a) Defines generalities on profiling.
b) Defines constraints for SMTP profile.

The present document also specifies a REM baseline supporting the technical interoperability amongst service providers in different regulatory frameworks.
NOTE - Specifically but not exclusively, REM baseline specified in the present document aims at supporting implementations of interoperable REM services by use of Trusted List Frameworks to constitute Trusted domains and qualified REM services (instances of electronic registered delivery services) by use of EU Trusted List system as per Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 [i.1]."


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