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Detail zboží

389250 - ČSN EN 15004-1 - Stabilní hasicí zařízení - Plynová hasicí zařízení - Část 1: Navrhování, instalace a údržba

Název : 389250 - ČSN EN 15004-1 - Stabilní hasicí zařízení - Plynová hasicí zařízení - Část 1: Navrhování, instalace a údržba
Označení normy : ČSN EN 15004-1
Katalogové číslo : 507509
Třídící znak : 389250
Účinnost : 2019-07-01
Věstník : 2019.06
Strany : 120
Převzata :vyhlášením ve Věstníku - v angličtině
Cena :863.00 Kč (DPH= 0%), s DPH= 863.00 Kč

"ČSN EN 15004-1

This document specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, installation, testing, maintenance and safety of gas extinguishing systems in buildings, plants or other structures, and the characteristics of the various extinguishants and types of fire for which they are a suitable extinguishing medium.
This document describes total flooding systems primarily related to buildings, plants and other specific applications, utilizing electrically non-conducting gaseous fire extinguishants that do not leave a residue after discharge and for which there are sufficient data currently available to enable validation of performance and safety characteristics by an appropriate independent authority. This document is not applicable to explosion suppression.
This part of EN 15004 is not intended to indicate approval of the extinguishants listed therein by the appropriate authorities, as other extinguishants may be equally acceptable. CO2 is not included as it is covered by other International Standards.
This part of EN 15004 is applicable to the extinguishants listed in Table 1. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the given parts of EN 15004 for fire extinguishing agents in Table 1."


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